Pastor Training Video: Discipleship in the Midst of Depression

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Check out this Pastor Training Video, in which I offer tools for helping someone who is struggling with depression to move forward spiritually. Too often, we use traditional discipleship methods when working with someone who has a mental illness. These methods may not work due to additional challenges that the symptoms of a mood or anxiety disorder can bring.

How do you as a pastor come alongside this person and connect them to their own path of spiritual growth?

Watch the video to find out! It’s worth 10 minutes of your time.


One Reply to “Pastor Training Video: Discipleship in the Midst of Depression”

  1. I like your work here professor. Sound counseling fundamentals for the pastors interested in providing more and needing to understand the trauma that exists to one degree or another in all of us. I have been interseted as of late about the ignorance of the genesis of trauma in one’s life and if not addressed how it can take refuge in the psyche and surely be a source an unhealthy physical state.I particularly like the way you state the fact that depression caused by trauma does not leave the client helpless or not living up tor Godly expectations but they are only moving at their speed and that just walking beside them with a Rogerian type approach is empathetic, compassionate and displaying the love of Christ.
    Keep up the good work. You are a great God,y asset to your audience.

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